With the recent boom, the start-up culture has been the center of the economy for quite a while now. Excellent Indian rural artisans working with beautifully hand crafted products have been ignored to a great extent recently. In India, where the rural population sums up to nearly 70% of the total, this neglect is a major issue for concern.
The traditional Indian village economy has been self-sufficient and self-providing for centuries. India has always been a country which has derived and met its needs largely from nature in the purest form. And while it is important to focus on the development of the urban, modern India, we at Vritti Designs feel that the improvement of rural India plays an equally pivotal role on the path towards becoming a thriving nation.
Textiles is one of the major pillars supporting the humongous structure of the rural economy. The weavers and spinners of ethnic India are no less than Picassos and van Goghs when it comes to creating magic on fabric. And even with such brilliance reflecting from their work, these artisans have been overshadowed by the fast fashion producers. Vritti believes that given adequate opportunities, these rural artists can paint a magnificent picture on the canvas of the global fashion scene.
Rural India has been equated with regression and chauvinism time and again by many. However, the beauty of the self-providing rural economy is that a major number of rural artisans supporting it are women. These women have broken the shackles of biased customs and have come on top of all atrocities that have been inflicted on them. And they have achieved all this while maintaining a perfect balance between their art and their personal lives; thus becoming the ultimate multi-taskers.

Vritti Designs has complete faith in these rural women and we have pledged to work relentlessly to give back to them the long overdue wealth and respect they deserve. We want to create an environment where these women can work without facing the innumerable hardships they face now. We are playing our small part to empower these women so that when the time comes, they are able to make CHOICES and not SACRIFICES.

We believe that the land that is the rural economy is as fertile and potent as anything can be. The time is just right to sow the seeds. And once it’s done, an exponential growth in prosperity is sure to follow. The Government of India is also working to give these artisans a considerable opportunity to shine on the horizon of global fashion. We at Vritti, completely back the Government of India and are willing to contribute in any way possible to ensure that these artisans get their fair share.
Just as the legendary ‘Amul’ spurred the White Revolution in the entire nation, making it the largest producer of milk and milk products in the world, it is high time that the weavers and spinners are given a boost and the country is hit by a ‘Textile Tornado’!
To see some of the amazing work done by our amazing women quilters click on the link here
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