Saving the nature through recycled fabrics … No textile waste … Waste fabric use… Cloth recycling
From covering the human modesty to shielding the skin from surroundings, clothing is vital necessity and value possession. This very need gave birth to the industrial revolution and its ever increasing horizon to produce merchandises and alike. Today, clothing or textile industry tops the list for creating distinct production expertise, trade beyond borders and employment opportunities.
But the glory and eminence of these fabric making or ensemble production has a flip side too. In the process of creating endless strays of threads and swatches, this mass production leaves or exudes waste leaving our soil tarnished and bruised.
Thanks to a code of conduct called “responsible business” or nature conservancy, enters the much needed phenomenon… recycling. Recreation with similar resources by making it impactful and environmentally viable is an uplifting solution. Clothes being put up to “round two” use is a need of today and is seen as welcoming idea by many fabric associates and clothing giants.
The recycling need
So what triggers this need of re-layering the used ensembles? Well, cloth making in the process of creating glorious and infectious looking fabrics and cuts gives away something inglorious too. The waste generated in the process of cloth manufacturing finds a space in landfills or in burying grounds. What’s more? The mass production of these sold or unsold clothes piles up like a burdened mountain.
The use of fibre plays a pivotal role in decomposition process of these discarded clothing’s. Natural fibre made clothing does take a lot of time to decompose but ultimately meets the earth. But similar can’t be said about synthetic and mixes, which doesn’t bend to the nature.
Taking earth and soil for granted is a known negligence. Hurting it will lead to boomerang effect. We will be left with no space to decompose or even produce the same. This obvious fear has generated an alarming thought and solution with using recycled fabrics amongst the cloth giants. Taking the similar inspiration and awareness, small production houses and new entrants are following the same suit too.

Each snippet counts
Leftovers or neglected discards of the post production process are not getting labelled as scarp pile anymore. Each thread and loose ends oozing out as a by product of fabrics and alike is a potential component of fabric recycling. And yes, from factory to buyer or post consumer usage items or clothing too are taking a dive into the churning recycling machines.
The ingenious practice
Collecting the “second hands” to make them “useful again” via sorting, shredding, cleaning is indeed a painstaking effort but totally worth it. The new “avatar” of used one, freshly coated with organic dye or appliquéd is surely a marvel of man and machinery.
What lies ahead?
Cloth recycling is not nascent any more. Corporate responsibilities, web awareness or even a pamphlet circulated by a thrift shop acknowledging the obvious usage of “shredded particles” is ever growing. “Zero wastage” of textiles is a good deal if we wish to share a happy space with nature.
Responsible threads, Responsible clothing
Contributing the tiniest way possible to nature doesn’t get unnoticed. Vritti Designs recognises this offering by creating one of kind organic textiles by taking earth as its inspiration. The “green framework” to create a piece of clothing or household items is a wholesome effort by our handpicked artisans and threads.
Hemp, bamboo, jute are not just exotic sounding plants anymore. The input of the same to create “responsible clothing” works wonders. Giving a character to these textiles via natural dye is a pleasure process. From sorting the threads on a spinning wheel to putting a handmade label on our designs, Vritti breathes earth.
Paint the closet green with Vritti
The sheer goodness or truthful nature of “organic clothing” always wins over the non airy and densely woven man made synthetics. Owning a piece of clothing which is closely knitted with nature is an admired thing today. So possessing a corner of your closet with organic textiles is surely ever evolving.
Organic or eco friendly clothing doesn’t have a tenure label. We at Vritti take a humble gratification knowing our textiles take the recycling well and how. And yes, we cherish the “no Textile waste ” mantra by filling our jute bags with scraps to create “recycled pieces.”
Donations of old garments is welcomed and appreciated at Vritti and even the “unwanted by-products” of fabrics and other textile leftovers. As we know, each used thread and crumbled swatch can be made into eco friendly wear.
Pilling up unused and discarded textiles on landfills is not a pretty sight. “Playing responsibly” via “recycling” is a way to be. Visit get closer to earth than ever.